Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Size 12

Good news. Today, I am wearing size 12 jeans for the first time ever in life. EV-ER!

If I remember correctly, when I was about 10 years old, I jumped from a size 14 in girls' to a size 14 in adults' sizes. Surprisingly even to myself, I'm not as excited as you'd think.

Anyway, I went to Old Navy yesterday on my lunch break and got a 12. I took the advice of my coworker and did some squats to break them in, and they fit like a glove this morning.

I'm about to hit up the track around my job for 3.1 miles. This will help me out so I can focus on the readings I have to do for homework lol. I know I work out a lot, but lately I've been having a lot of energy (although I've been sleepy as a mug!), so it helps me settle down.

Later, I'm gonna shoot for double Kazaxe. It didn't happen yesterday because it was mad crowded, so I didn't stay for the second one (I hate crowds, especially doing them alone!). As long as I can get a spot in the front, I'll stay tonight.

Ok about to run this 5K. I'll holla!


  1. What time tonight? Depending on how late I have to work, I might make it!

  2. I'm gonna try for both, but I dunno after all this walking I'm doing for "Walking Lunch Day." I'll at least be at the first one.

  3. Congrats for the size 12! This is a major reason for celebration.

  4. Lol thanks MT! *singing* Cel-e-bration time come on! Lol.
