Friday, February 19, 2010

Cleanse Information

Disclaimer: Tales of a Big Girl represents my thoughts and opinions, and those of others. I am not a doctor. Please consult a physician before undertaking a diet or exercise routine.

Here's the information about the cleanse I'm following, by request. I got it from my running buddy, who got it from a church. I'm copying it verbatim. My notes are in italics:

"Option 2 (For Vegetarians)

Day 1-2: Eliminate all whole grain breads, starches and beans. Eat raw or steamed vegetables, fruit & brown rice (cook with olive oil & fresh pressed garlic)

Day 3-7: Eliminate all cooked food (vegetables & rice)

Day 8-10: Drink fresh pressed vegetable and fruit juices only.

Day 11: Drink spring water only (you may add 6 lemons to 1 gal. of water). Pray, meditate & relax. Get plenty of rest this day. (This is a monster...DO NOT exercise on this day or YOU WILL make yourself sick.)

Day 12-14: Drink fresh pressed vegetable and fruit juices only - apple & cranberry. (This is where I am right now.)

Day 15-16: Eat raw & steamed vegetables only. Include salads with plenty of green, leafy vegetables. (Can't wait to go to Subway on Monday...mmmm....)

Day 17: Add fresh fruit

Day 18: Add potatoes (I love potatoes!)

Day 19: Add beans and brown rice (cook with olive oil & fresh pressed garlic).

Day 20: Add whole grain breads (whole wheat, oat & buckwheat)

Day 21: Add vegetable protein (tofu and others) (This is the only part that I'm allowing myself to improvise. I need that veggie protein because I'm working out hardcore. So I'm bringing it back on Monday.)

After ending the fast, gradually add back food not eaten during the fast. Eat light meals.

Congratulations, you have cleansed your body and proven your ability to deny your flesh. (Yup, I feel that way now. Mind over matter.) Have confidence in this, and build on it."

There is also a spiritual meditation that goes along with this cleanse, as well as a non-vegetarian option. I'll post on those at a later date. Enjoy!

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